As we pass through the mid-year many of us in leadership
positions will conduct reviews with our direct reports.
team leaders it is our responsibility to conduct mid-year reviews. The reviews
give us a good time to analyse where the team is and where it is heading. By
keeping an eye on the goals we set for the team we can develop action plans to
support our team and lead the strong performers to a position of excellence.
Don’t be tempted by the leadership conundrum of who to allocate the most time
too. Time and time again it has been
proven if we have limited time available we must give it to our top team
members as any boost in their output will be more beneficial than the same
improvement in our weakest members. It’s our duty as the leaders to manage and
lead or teams to the highest performance we can, this way our team will be
making the maximum contribution to the company.
Rather than just walk
through the process, I believe you need to create an objective review
checklist. The checklist will help you identify those performers who are
on-track and those that are behind. Of those behind it is important to understand why they are
behind, is it because you have directed their efforts somewhere else or is it
because they are not tackling the challenges you set them at the start of the
What I find useful is
to create a checklist for use at each review. Work through the checklist during
the review.
Firstly the checklist
should address the formalities of the review.
Why we are here?
Do they feel comfortable to discuss candidly
with you how they feel they are going?
How do they rate themselves?
How do you rate their performance to date?
Why is there any delta?
Next look into their individual and team goals.
On they on track to make their targets?
Do the targets need to be revised up or down?
Are there issues blocking progress that you can
provide help to free up?
Is there time to take corrective action and get
any wayward goals back on track?
for business Impact.
Which goals are having the maximum impact? These goals need to be pushed forward, how
can we get more traction and better results.
Which goals are having a minimal impact? These goals should be dropped, save our
energy and efforts for the greater impact goals.
risky members
Why are these members goals at risk? Explain why they are at risk and consequences
of poor performance.
Have we contributed to the risk position? If so we must own the issue and re-qualify
the goal.
Regardless of performance overall, we must
praise all positive work,
Remind team members of their role in an
inclusive and cohesive team.